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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Squat Progress

This past Sunday marked the end of the first half of my Madcow 5x5 training cycle. I've been making good progress on my lifts, and the squats on Sunday felt really easy so I went for a PR with a bit of coaxing from the team. Here are some videos:


A bit dark, but here's my PR vid -- 235x2

Aiming for a 700 lb total at Pendleton in January.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

5 Ways to Avoid the Holiday Buldge

They say the average American gains about ten pounds through the course of the holidays leading up through the New Year. Here are five go-to tactics that will help you keep your waist-line in check.

5. Get an early start on your New Years' resolution --
Face it, we both know your resolution will be to lose the weight you put on after the holidays, so get your gym membership early this year, and save some money by cashing in on year-end gym deals. Get in there for 20 minutes three times a week for some HIIT cardio to offset the extra holiday calories.

4. Don't go for the second serving --
Two servings more likely than not means twice the calories, so do yourself a favor and just say no to the second go-around. The holidays is a time to enjoy yourself, so savor the first plate, then spend the rest of the evening socializing rather than grazing.

3. Organize your plate --
Remember portion control. Separate your plate into quarters to ensure that you aren't going overboard with starches, and are instead giving yourself room for plenty of protein and veggies. Have a few bites of pie instead of an entire slice.

Salmon, tabbouleh, multi-gran quinoa, and brown rice. Yummm.

2. Mind your liquid calories --
The holidays might make us reach for that extra glass of wine or egg nog, but be mindful that these calories add up quickly. Switch out your sodas for water, or have your wine in place of dessert instead of in addition to it. And remember, the less you eat, the easier it will be to get a buzz. Win-win!

1. Dance!
Dancing burns a lot of calories, and you have a good time doing it, so instead of sitting out on the fun, join in and move your body to burn those calories. You'd be surprised how quickly you'd get out of breath when you're having fun moving your body. The sillier, the better!

The Holidays are about having fun and being around those you love, so divert your attention to the things that truly matter this holiday season instead of focusing on your meals. Your mind and body will thank you for it.

Friday, November 22, 2013

10 Gym Characters

If you've been to the gym, it's likely that you've run into a few people who fit into these categories.

10. Cardio Bunny

This is the girl who's always on the treadmill, usually fast-walking
 on an incline with what looks like the thinnest layer of skin 
covering delicate bones. 

9. The Meathead

This guy walks around the gym with his chest puffed up, 
fists clenched, admiring his physique in the mirror. 
Often can be found flexing mid set. 
*bicep kiss*

8. Selfie Queen

Usually can be found in the group fitness room
 with an exercise ball and a gal pal giggling
 and taking photos for Instagram or Facebook. 
Don't forget the #fitness tag!

7. Wheel Spinner

Comes to the gym year after year, 
but looks the same as the day he signed up.

6. Goal Switcher

Nobody really knows why this guy is here.

5. One-Upper

You gained 10 lbs of muscle during your last bulking cycle? 
You could have done better, bro, 
he did the Insanity workout, put on 15 lbs of muscle
 while dropping 10 lbs of fat in one month!

Photo unrelated to gym character listed above. Hehe.

4. Fit Couple

They come in together, he does curls, 
she watches and half-heartedly 
mimics his movements. 
So cute.

3. The Sleezeball

Hits on every girl at the gym. 

2. Gym Gabber

Talks to everyone. 
Middle of a set? It's okay! 
The gym will always be here, but will he be here to entertain you? 
Only for the next half hour, so enjoy.

1. The Flake

That friend who always sets up gym dates, but never shows up.

And of course we can't forget The Geezer, The Fitness Guru, Ms. America, The Grunter, Quarter-Squatter, The Bro, Van Damme, and The Distraction.

I'd tell you not to be "that guy," but you probably already are. It's okay, you have a special place in my heart at the gym <3